

You may find yourself needing the services of the Saginaw County Prosecutor's Office, or at least need some direction on how to solve whatever issue 你可能 be facing. Below are some common questions we receive; if you can't find your answer here, 随时打电话给我们办公室(989)790-5330.

如果有紧急情况,请拨打911. The prosecutor’s office becomes involved in cases only after law enforcement becomes involved.

There are actually two prosecutor’s offices in the Saginaw County Governmental Center. One is the office that handles criminal cases – this office is located on the second floor, 212房间, 主楼的. 另一个是国土安全部办公室, which handles child support and paternity issues – this office is located on the first floor of the annex (northwest area) of the Governmental Center.

The prosecutor’s office only issues criminal charges against individuals based on police reports. 结果是, if you are the victim of a crime and wish to see charges issued against the perpetrator, you must first contact the police and either have a report filed by an officer or file your own report. 这取决于警察机构, 调查随即展开, and that agency provides our office with their completed investigation to review for potential charges. 如果警方不进行进一步调查, 你还想看到指控, 然后你必须推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的办公室, 亲自或打电话都行. The decision to issue charges against an individual is that of the prosecutor’s office and only the prosecutor’s office. 虽然我们重视受害者的意愿, a victim’s desire to have charges issued against somebody is not the sole determining factor.

If you are the listed victim in a case that you no longer want to see pursued, 你可以推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的办公室, 亲自或打电话都行, 去和受害者权利办公室讨论这个问题. The decision to either not issue charges against a potential defendant or dismiss charges against a defendant is that of the prosecutor’s office and only the prosecutor’s office. 虽然我们重视受害者的意愿, a victim’s desire to have a case dismissed is not the sole determining factor. 已经对被告提起诉讼的, the best way to let us know you no longer want to see the case proceed is to fill out a victim’s impact statement, which we email to all victims of all cases that we have chosen to prosecute. 请填好这张表格并把它交回我们的办公室, 邮寄或亲自来都行, 而且会被记录在我们的案卷里, which allows one of our assistant prosecutors to read it and learn your feelings on a case. 如果你没有收到受害者的宣传册和影响报告, 请尽快推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的办公室,以便我们为您提供一个.

首先也是最重要的, check your subpoena to ensure that our office is the one that has subpoenaed you – you should see 检察官 John McColgan’s name on the subpoena. 如果是我们办公室传唤你的话, 那么请按照传票背面的说明办理. 重要的是,请在下午5点后拨打(989)790-5580.m. 传票指示你出庭的前一天. An automated message will advise you whether the case on which you have been subpoenaed is still scheduled to start the next day or whether it has been postponed.

不,它不是. If you are a victim and have chosen to have our office inform you of all future court dates for your case, our victims’ rights office will send you a postcard notifying you of those court dates. These postcards are not an order to appear in court – if you wish to attend the court date, 你可能, 但除非你收到传票,否则你不需要出席.

A personal protection order (PPO) is an order from a judge protecting an individual from being contacted, 直接或间接, 由另一个人. PPOs are sought by individuals at the PPO office in the basement of the Saginaw County Governmental Center and are sought independently, 不是通过检察官办公室,也不是通过检察官办公室. These orders can be renewed upon request by the protected party and upon approval by the judge. 有关PPOs的更多信息,包括违规行为,请参阅 PPO的页面 或致电(989)790-5412.
No-contact orders are issued in criminal cases and prevent defendants from contacting, 直接或间接, 这些案件中的受害者. 这些订单没有发出(因此), not in effect) until defendants appear for arraignment (their first appearance before the judge). Victims who believe a defendant has violated a no-contact order should contact the police agency that has jurisdiction where the violation occurred, either by calling 911 in the case of an emergency or by calling or visiting the police department in the case of a non-emergency. 一旦联系了警察, the victim can contact the prosecutor’s office to notify us of the violation. Violations can result in a judge revoking a defendant’s bond, placing them back in jail.

巡回法院家事庭, 位于萨吉诺镇医院路3360号, handles most delinquency cases for those 16 and younger and all cases pertaining to child abuse and neglect and parental rights. 如对上述个案有任何疑问,请致电(989)799-2821.

这些任命由检察官办公室的国土安全部办公室处理, which is located on the first floor of the annex (northwest area) of the Governmental Center. The prosecutor’s office on the second floor of the Saginaw County Governmental Center handles criminal cases.

不,你不应该. 如果你相信有逮捕令的话, you should call the 地方法院 Criminal Division at (989) 790-5385 or 巡回法院 at (989) 790-5470.

不,你不应该. The decision of whether or not to issue a concealed pistol license (CPL) rests with the Michigan State Police. Similarly, the decision to suspend or revoke CPLs also lies with the Michigan State Police. 有关cpld的问题,请致电(517)284-3700.

就像你想起诉一个罪犯一样, the first thing you must do is contact the police agency that has jurisdiction where the check was received and either have a report filed by an officer or file your own report. After filing a report, you must send a 5-day notice via certified mail to the offender. 如果违法者在规定的时间内没有回应, 您可以把您的信息带到我们办公室的财务调查员那里, 然后由谁向违规者发出最后的10天通知. 如果没有全额付款, 金融调查员将为罪犯申请刑事搜查令.